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Privacy Policy/Disclaimers/ & Other Legal Stuff


Medical Disclaimer

Everything shared on this website is my opinion and only my opinion. I am not a doctor. Okay, I am a doctor, but not a medical doctor. With that said, anything I write is not a substitute for medical advice and you should get medical advice from a competent professional whenever needed.


You agree by using this site that none of the information here is to be in any way used as medical advice or to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.  Nothing on this website is intended to recommend any particular form of medical treatment or that persons manage their own health problems without the advice of a licensed health care practitioner.  If you take any information from this website and go try it without medical or professional supervision, I cannot be held liable.  We are Birthing Goddesses, but wisdom, experience, and research are not the same as a medical degree and license.  Seek medical advice!


Be Kind

Be kind and respectful to me and to others on this site.  If you have nothing nice to say, do not say anything at all.  Just move along with the knowledge that you only have to read things on my site if you want to.  If you cannot be respectful in your comments and disagreements (which are welcome), than you will be banned/blocked.  Negativity and disrespect will not be tolerated on this site because the intention is to encourage and empower women, not tear them down.


Don't Steal My Stuff

This website and my book are truly a labor of love that have taken a great deal of time, research, and effort to create.  As such, this website may not be reproduced in any way without permission. Photos may not be used without permission. Logos may not be used without my permission.  If you want stuff, get my permission!!!!


Copyright and Intellectual Property Ownership

All content of this Website, including, but not limited to- information, materials, images, photographs, articles, text, and video contained on or offered through the Website and all copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights in or relating to the content are the sole property of You Are A Birthing, its licensors or content providers or other third parties.  I can change the Website or delete any content or features or services at any time, in any way, for any or no reason. I reserve all rights not expressly granted in and to the content of this Website.

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