Dear Little One,
A year ago today I woke up at 1:40 in the morning thinking I had to use the bathroom, only to discover that my water had partially broken. At that moment I realized that I was finally going to get to meet you after all these months of waiting. I was filled with excitement and woke your daddy up to share the good news. Daddy was very excited too, and couldn’t believe the day of your birth was finally here. I called the midwife and told her it was time, and she told me they would be waiting for us at 3:30 at the Birth Center. After I got off the phone, I got all of our packed bags together with the things we planned on using during your birth. We had music, lavender candles, and plenty of snacks and water all set for the hours that were ahead of us. But guess what little one, you had other plans!
Mommy started feeling sensations in her belly that told her it was time to get in the car and go. So at about 3 o’clock in the morning we got in the car and started our drive to the Birth Center. Daddy and Momma were filled with such joy at the thought that we were going to meet you on your actual due date. We joked that you were already just like your momma, always on time! On our way there, down windy dark roads, I realized that the tightness in my belly was coming faster and faster. Every two to four minutes I would get another sensation that told me you were getting very close to coming into this world.
We pulled up to the Birth Center at 3:30 and momma’s water broke the rest of the way in the front seat of the car, what a mess! I was so happy when our midwife greeted us, and she realized instantly that things were happening very quickly. By the time we got into our room, momma was already 8 centimeters dilated. There was no time for music, candles, or snacks; there was only time to focus on bringing you safely into this world. Daddy helped momma through the transition of those last two centimeters, and at 5:00 a.m. you let me know that it was time to start pushing you out into this great big world. At 5:52 in the morning, as the sun was beginning to rise, you emerged earth-side and announced your presence with bellowing cries. Once daddy cut your cord and momma was allowed to bring you up close to her face and heart, you settled down contently and gazed into our eyes.
You were the most perfect baby we had ever laid eyes on. My heart was so full of you and all that you are, and would someday be. We spent the next hours cuddling, nursing, and loving every ounce of you, and haven’t stopped since.
My beautiful, sweet, strong-willed little lamb, know that you are, always have been, and always will be loved unconditionally.
All my love,