Setting Daily Intentions Instead of Yearly Resolutions

A New Year symbolizes a fresh start for many of us. As the New Year steadily approaches, many people start thinking about resolutions, things they would like to change, and improvements they would like to make in their lives. Unfortunately, by February most people have given up or completely forgotten all the resolutions they have set for themselves. The diet is over, the treadmill starts collecting dust again, the bad habits seem intensified, and the guilt of failure starts to set in. Instead of setting standard resolutions, I want to set daily intentions for myself in 2017. Intentions are guiding principals on how we want to live, act, and be present in the world. It is a way to reflect and focus on the things that matter most to you. Intentions are positive, and they are short-term goals that are more attainable than long term lofty ones. You can set your intentions for your day through meditation, yoga, in the shower, or while brushing your teeth.
Intentions aren’t goals; they are an expression of how you want to live your life. Setting an intention doesn’t mean you start the day by saying, “I want to lose 5 pounds”, it means you start the day by saying, “I love myself and will treat my body in a respectful and healthy way.” There is so much power in thought, and setting your intentions at the beginning of every day will help you manifest what it is you want for yourself in the New Year. It holds you accountable, keeps you on target, and becomes a time in your day to be mindful of yourself and your needs. Why wait to the first of the year to have a fresh start when you can have one every morning?
When you are deciding on what intention(s) you want to start your day with, think of things that reflect your own values and needs. Remember to keep the wording positive and simple. Instead of saying, “I want to stop yelling at my children”, say, “Today I will be patient”, or “My words will be kind and loving.” Consider the things that matter the most to you, what bad habits or negative traits you would like to let go of, changes you want to see in yourself or the world around you, and things you are grateful for and that make you happy. Remember that you can revisit your intentions throughout the day whenever you need them. You can just call them up in your mind, say them out loud, or write them down and look at them whenever you need to. There’s nothing wrong with sticking some positive intentions for yourself on your bathroom mirror or on your refrigerator!
Here are some intentions I will be setting for myself in the New Year:
I love myself and my body unconditionally.
I am healed and healthy.
I am authentic and truthful in my thoughts, actions and deeds.
I don’t take things personally.
I communicate honestly.
I release judgment, mistrust, and doubt and welcoming acceptance, trust, and love.
I intend to deepen the loving, joyful and fulfilling relationship I have with my child.
I intend to be present with my child and my husband.
I intend to live the most beautiful life possible as a vegan and parent.
I intend to deepen my loving relationship with my husband.
I intend that the communication between my partner and I be perfectly clear, both with words and beyond words.
I intend to develop relationships with friends with whom I emotionally, spiritually, and mentally connect with.
I am making yoga a more important part of my lifestyle.
I am open to new experiences.
I make time for myself, my passions, and my spirit.
My home is filled with peace, joy, happiness and safety.
I feel totally safe and secure.
I am living in the now and feel greater and greater depths of love, fun, joy, happiness, ecstasy, compassion and caring for myself and others.
I am open fully and completely to the greatest depths of creativity possible, and allow myself to express that creativity in my writing.
Unlimited cash and resources flow into my life easily, abundantly and endlessly.
I intend for those without a voice (people, animals, the earth, etc.) to be held in arms of love and light and for them to feel that love as much as possible.
“I am” is a very powerful statement, and I try to use it as much as possible when writing my intentions. The sky is the limit on what your intentions can be. Give it some serious thought, figure out what you need in your life, and just go for it. Fill your life with positive intentions each day, and wait and see how great you will start to feel. We all need more positive thoughts in our lives, so start creating your own. Check out and for a great list of intentions, many that I have adapted for myself here.
Have a happy and safe New Year from my family to yours!
Love, Laughter, & Light,